Tread Lightly On Our Little Friends In The Soil

Tread Lightly On Our Little Friends In The Soil

Each bit of land is a community unto itself, with a unique combination of organics, minerals, and organisms. Prairies and grasslands tend to be dominated by bacteria, and so do agricultural soils, although exceptionally productive agricultural land also houses a high...
How Lot 125® Can Help Plants Receive Needed Sulfur

How Lot 125® Can Help Plants Receive Needed Sulfur

Carbon-bonded S is mineralized through various pathways:1. Direct aerobic mineralization during the oxidation of C as an energy source2. Anaerobic mineralization of organic matter (desulfurization)3. Incomplete oxidation of organic S into inorganic S compounds4....
Mega-Millions of Microbes

Mega-Millions of Microbes

Lot 125® provides the strength of organic humic acids and fulvic acids with robust soil and microbial communities. Constant attention to building organic soil microbial communities plays a major role in plant’s metabolic processes. The carbon base in Lot 125® is a...
Benefits of Using Lot 125® Blend

Benefits of Using Lot 125® Blend

Soil CompactionLot 125® is a sequestering compound and as such, it is able to break the bond of sodium and magnesium with clay particles in heavy soils. Thus, it reduces the tightness and compaction of the soil, enabling it to be more easily tilled. The resultant open...