LOT 125®
A biologically enhanced product that aids in the conversion of fertilizer to complex plant nutrients.

Fulvic acids are the most effective carbon-containing chelating compounds known.

The biological balance of this product maximizes plant growth and root development.
Agriculture Case Studies and Articles
Webinar – Lot 125 for Drought Concerns, Fertilizer Efficiency and Healthier Plants
https://www.youtube.com/embed/oucihu0Z6_0 Webinar on Lot 125 by lead agronomist, Scott Anderson.
Lot 125 – Higher Yields, Less Water, Less Fertilizer
https://youtu.be/293VJ3Yi-6U Lot 125 has been helping farmers like you for over 25 years. A proven track record of higher yields while using less water and fertilizer. Make your crops drought resistant next season while minimizing extreme fertilizer cost. OMRI...
Webinar – How to Improve Nutrient Uptake and Yield with Fulvex®
https://youtu.be/VEdwxlMPU14 In order to thrive, plants needs a strong start and steady nutrients throughout their lives. Fulvex provides both to ensure that your crops provide the yield that you deserve. In this short 10-minute presentation, Scott explains how to...
Webinar – Lot125® for Phosphate Efficiency
https://youtu.be/zsngPjCfHqA The volatile market for phosphate can send prices soaring. In times like these, it is important for farmers to make the best use of phosphate that they can. In this short 10-minute video, our Lead Agronomist, Scott Anderson explains how...
Webinar – Lot125® for Drought Protection
https://youtu.be/TtcPCBST_Kw In this short 7-minute video, our Lead Agronomist, Scott Anderson talks about the science behind Lot125's ability to protect plants in times of extreme weather.
BioLynceus Lot 125 Case Study
The study was conducted in 2012 and is available at the Irrigation Research Foundation www.irf-info.com.
Why All Humic Acids Are Not Created Equal
As the use of humic acids become more prevalent in agricultural, turf, environmental, home & garden and other applications, the prospective customer may well ask the question, "What is the difference in humic acid products?" Since Global Organics is large provider...
Soil Microbes and Nutrient Uptake
Improvement in crop growth obtained from crop and soil management practices is the result of increased activity of microbes in the vicinity of plant roots (the rhizosphere). There is still much unknown in the relationship of roots and microbes because of the...
Soil, Microbes and Water Management
The following research article, developed by BioFlora's team at the Integrated Life Science Research Center, describes how soil structure and stability are critical factors for agricultural water management. Please share it with your PCA or call your BioLynceus®...
BioLynceus® Hemp Program
Strains of cannabis that lack THC are grown to produce products from food, to textiles and building materials. This regulated material is becoming an option for American farmers with state regulations opening up the previous restrictions on growing strains of...
Corn Testimonial
Darwin Jeffers of Phillips County, CO used BioLynceus® Lot 125® on his 2010 Conservation Reserve Program breakout planted to dryland corn, and on his dryland wheat crop, in 2011. The corn made $311 profit over expenses at 82 volume per acre. The wheat made 52 volume...
Organic Farm Testimonial
Western Colorado Organic Orchards, Inc. is a certified organic farm with 29 acres of fruit and vegetable production. Over the last four years I have been very pleased to work with BioLynceus® and use several of Global Organics' products including: Seaweed Cream®, Lot...
Webinar – BioFlora Seaweed Cream®
https://youtu.be/-1SlLMNsx3w Resident expert, Scott Anderson, shares how BioFlora Seaweed Cream® boosts root development early in the spring as well as assists fruit set and increases protein and feed value. This is a short video that lasts less than 7...
Webinar – BioFlora Fulvex®
https://youtu.be/0Bl6TQY_G8w Resident expert, Scott Anderson, shares how Fulvex® gets plants off to a quicker start and effectively force feeds nutrients into the plants. This is a short video that lasts less than 5 minutes.
Webinar – Lot 125®
https://youtu.be/RGjDgVp9enc Resident expert, Scott Anderson, shares how Lot 125® works with the soil food web for healthy soils and crops. This is a short video that lasts less than 5 minutes.
Healthy Soils Produce Healthy Plants
As an environmental consultant for the last 26 years, I have learned many things about our soils and water. One of the many has been the necessity of creating living ecosystems within our soil structures and waterways. Whether you are growing grass in your yard or for...
BioLynceus® Products in Agricultural Soils FAQs
Do BioLynceus® products replace commercial fertilizer usage or can fertilizer be decreased?Our products promote increased efficiency of the use of commercial fertilizers. We recommend that the grower continue a balanced fertilizer program until the biological food web...
Whence Comest Your Humic Acids?
Numerous articles within the past five years have given the particulars of the whys and wherefores of organic acids. The dilemma when purchasing humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) products should revolve around both guaranteed percents and parent materials. There...
Tread Lightly On Our Little Friends In The Soil
Each bit of land is a community unto itself, with a unique combination of organics, minerals, and organisms. Prairies and grasslands tend to be dominated by bacteria, and so do agricultural soils, although exceptionally productive agricultural land also houses a high...
How Lot 125® Can Help Plants Receive Needed Sulfur
Carbon-bonded S is mineralized through various pathways:1. Direct aerobic mineralization during the oxidation of C as an energy source2. Anaerobic mineralization of organic matter (desulfurization)3. Incomplete oxidation of organic S into inorganic S compounds4....
Mega-Millions of Microbes
Lot 125® provides the strength of organic humic acids and fulvic acids with robust soil and microbial communities. Constant attention to building organic soil microbial communities plays a major role in plant’s metabolic processes. The carbon base in Lot 125® is a...
Benefits of Using Lot 125® Blend
Soil CompactionLot 125® is a sequestering compound and as such, it is able to break the bond of sodium and magnesium with clay particles in heavy soils. Thus, it reduces the tightness and compaction of the soil, enabling it to be more easily tilled. The resultant open...