Webinar Calendar

Biolynceus First Friday Webinar Series


Here at BioLynceus, we love reaching out to you with INTERACTIVE webinars (no talking heads here) that give you a chance to ask questions of our wastewater and turf experts.

Get registered today.


August 2020 - Public Education: FOG

Yes, you really can get the public to help you fight FOG in your wastewater system!  Join us as we talk with our Founder, Rick Allen as he shares best-in-class examples of public awareness campaigns that actually work!

October 2020 - Book Launch!

Join us as we talk with our Founder, Rick Allen, about his new expanded and revised Critical Issues for Wastewater Professionals book.  There are a TON of good stories here, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

December 2020 - Nitrification in Cold Weather

Below 40 degrees, some nitrifiers simply don’t work.  Raise your hand in this webinar to have our experts answer your questions on keeping your system healthy, even in the cold.


February 2021 - F:M Ratio

Weather you are ramping up, slowing down, or just going through an unusual cold spell, you need to understand how Food and Microbes work together.  Too much or too little can spell disaster.  Join us for another highly interactive webinar where we’ll answer your questions.

April 2020 - Sludge Reduction

If you have a lagoon system, you’ll come face to face with sludge.  It is unavoidable.  Before you scoop it and haul it, tune in to this hightly interactive webinar. Get your questions answered and hear what our experts have to say.


June 2021 - Plant Startup / Restart

Restarting a plant can be a pain. It takes a TON of work to get all of your chemistry to where it should be.  In this webinar, we’ll give you direct access to experts who have helped restart dozens of plants.  Join us to put yourself on the fast track.

Previous Webinars

Lot 125 – Higher Yields, Less Water, Less Fertilizer

Lot 125 – Higher Yields, Less Water, Less Fertilizer

https://youtu.be/293VJ3Yi-6U Lot 125 has been helping farmers like you for over 25 years. A proven track record of higher yields while using less water and fertilizer. Make your crops drought resistant next season while minimizing extreme fertilizer cost. OMRI...

How to Improve Your Lagoon with Bioaugmentation

How to Improve Your Lagoon with Bioaugmentation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r91B25-vBI Kathleen Kelly shares 4 ways to improve your lagoon using bio augmentation. Perfect for industrial or municipal lagoons of any size and flow rate.

Webinar – Plant Startup with Tanner Hartsock

Webinar – Plant Startup with Tanner Hartsock

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxpnrWdEUrw Tanner Hartsock M.S. takes us through the process of starting a wastewater plant and considers different options operators have in solving their challenges. What we didn’t expect was to get such a glowing endorsement from a...

Webinar – How to Improve Nutrient Uptake and Yield with Fulvex®

Webinar – How to Improve Nutrient Uptake and Yield with Fulvex®

https://youtu.be/VEdwxlMPU14 In order to thrive, plants needs a strong start and steady nutrients throughout their lives. Fulvex provides both to ensure that your crops provide the yield that you deserve. In this short 10-minute presentation, Scott explains how to...

Webinar – Lot125® for Drought Protection

Webinar – Lot125® for Drought Protection

https://youtu.be/TtcPCBST_Kw In this short 7-minute video, our Lead Agronomist, Scott Anderson talks about the science behind Lot125's ability to protect plants in times of extreme weather.

Webinar – Lot125® for Phosphate Efficiency

Webinar – Lot125® for Phosphate Efficiency

https://youtu.be/zsngPjCfHqA The volatile market for phosphate can send prices soaring. In times like these, it is important for farmers to make the best use of phosphate that they can. In this short 10-minute video, our Lead Agronomist, Scott Anderson explains how...

Public Education FOG

Public Education FOG

https://youtu.be/IRMsv0xzfQY Rick Allen discusses methods for educating the public on fats, oils and grease. This is a short webinar that lasts about 18 minutes.

Webinar – Solids Reduction

Webinar – Solids Reduction

https://youtu.be/nSJOsLItUFU Resident expert, Tanner Hartsock, discusses how ProBiotic Dredging® can help with solids reduction. This is a short video that lasts 8 minutes.