Previously the Town had a grease build up problem in the sewer lift station. The Town began adding ProBiotic Scrubber II in the collection lines and at the lift station.
Within 2 weeks, the grease build up at the lift station was visibly reduced.
Every Spring we were directly adding ProBiotic Scrubber II to our antiquated 2 cell sewer lagoons. Significant odor reduction was noticed.
Within 2 weeks, the grease build up at the lift station was visibly reduced.
Susan Fleshman, Mayor, Town of Dutton
The Town of Dutton started a 1.8 million dollar sewer improvement project in the Fall on 2009, with completion in the Fall of 2010.
A complete above ground lift station, 2 new sewer lagoon cells and an irrigation pivot were installed. The new cells are larger and lined.
We have elected to continue using ProBiotic Scrubber II in our new sewer system.
We anticipate less grease build up on our lift station and collection lines.
We believe the ProBiotic Scrubber II will keep our new lagoons operating at a peak performance levels and keep our future sludge levels low.
Susan Fleshman