Landscape and Lawn Testimonial

I began using BioLynceus® Humega® on some of my clients’ lawns and landscaping. I have been extremely impressed with the results!

First, I noticed there was no transplant shock when I treated the root ball with Humega® prior to plant installation. Second, I did not lose any plants which had been treated with BioLynceus® Humega®.

Furthermore, the plants seems to be stronger and healthier than untreated transplants. Third, my lawn care clients were able to use at least 20% less water and fertilizer on their lawns and still have a green and vibrant lawn.

Given the results I have seen thus far, I am planning on using BioLynceus® Humega® on all my future landscaping projects; and, offer a Humega® treatment program to more of my clients interested in saving time and money.

James Hoiland
Greenup Lawn & Landscape