Lift Station Testimonial

I started using ProBiotic Scrubber® I in one of the city’s lift stations. It was a testing place where we had a grease problem. We hand treated and in two months we went in and cleaned the well out.

We found that all of the solids and paper products were gone. The wet well had no solids or paper products and it had been eleven months since it had been cleaned. We still had grease, but it all washed off with the truck where before it had to be scraped off.

We then started treating all of the lift stations and some of the sewer mains where we had grease problems. When we jetted these lines later they did not have as much grease as before. This product seemed to digest the grease and help keep it from sticking to the sewer lines.

We are now using pumps to inject ProBiotic Scrubber® I and this makes it easier to use. The other good thing about this product is it is environmentally friendly and safe to use.

Steve Thull
Wastewater Operator
City of Cody