Probiotic Dredging®

Probiotic Dredging® Makes Solids Handling Less Expensive!

For over 25 years, our team at BioLynceus® has been removing solids in municipal wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment facilities and animal waste water treatment

Our proprietary products are injected directly into the wastewater stream to enhance the biological treatment process.  Using the technology of natural wastewater treatment, our ProBiotic Scrubber® enhances the natural efficacy of the treatment process.  The activity of our ProBiotic Scrubber® goes to work to enhance the treatment processes.

How Does Your System Benefit From The Treatment of ProBiotic Scrubber® ?

The ProBiotic Scrubber® goes to work immediately working to reduce BOD, TSS and essentially improve the beneficial biology of the treatment processes.  The activity of the ProBiotic Scrubber® breaks down the organic material by degrading the loading of the treatment process.  The activity of the program increases the efficacy of the digestion of solids, making the organic material bio-degrade without the use of any chemicals, salts or extra chemistry.   In fact, we pride our programs for being considered “Frog Friendly® ” and “Frog Approved® ” due to the natural  and non-chemical nature of our environmentally friendly programs.

BioLynceus provides eco-technology solutions for water, plants and soils.  Solutions for wastewater sludge removal and bioremediation of sewage solids uses ProBiotic Scrubber programs to improve the biodredging of lagoon sludge and mechanical plant solids.