Recreation Field Testimonial

St. Vrain Valley School District has been using two BioLynceus® products, Humega® and TurfMaster®, on our Niwot High School Athletic Park site. These are very high usage fields (softball, soccer and baseball).

I asked Rick Allen to come to the site and take core samples and conduct ground hardness tests. When we took the test, we found that we had visual root growth from 8″ to 12″ in 8 different tests sites on the complex. This is only after our second year of using the products.

I suggested we take samples from Niwot Elementary School site that is only a few blocks away. On this site we were not using any products excepts granulated fertilizers twice a year. We found it very difficult to get the test probe into the ground and only had root growth of about 2″ to 2 1/2″.

The BioLynceus® products Humega® and TurfMaster® are doing the job of loosening the compacted soil and establishing deeper and better root growth for our turf.

Ron Smith
Grounds Manager
St. Vrain Valley School District