Treatment Solutions for Fats, Oils and Grease

Microbial Grease Remediation

Our biological products are 100% natural and earth friendly. When introduced into the collection systems the microbes stimulate indigenous microbial, enhancing the biological process and accomplishing in days and months what would normally take nature years. Our products are live cultures which contain a composite of micro organism, (aerobic, facultative and anaerobic) amino acids, nutrients and polysaccharides that are non-pathenogenic and non-toxic.

  • Improve digestion of suspended solids in pipes and equipment
  • Improve waste flow and balance of out-flow
  • Improve oxygen levels and digestion of grease
  • Reduce oils and waste that build up in pipes
  • Reduce clogs and expensive maintenance costs
  • Reduce sludge, odor and total suspended solids

Figure 1. A standard pipe clogged with fats, oil and grease. Image retrieved from

ProBiotic Treatment for Grease

Municipal waste and industrial waste, whether from paper mills, distilleries, paint factories, abattoirs, or fish factories or any other industrial process plants, have varied compositions. We customize our micro-biological treatments to address each systems unique requirements.

Our products are safe to use in the existing facilities, and waste water treatment systems. The process includes an initial application with a prescribed program for on-going waste treatment applications.