I began using BioLynceus BioScrubber II microbial solution to help solve a grease/hydrocarbon accumulation problem in the City of Livingston’s main sewer line and the associated lift station.
The sewer line is problematic because most of the restaurants in town discharge into this line. The amount of grease coming into the line increases during the summer, which coincides, with an increase in tourist traffic.
Within one moth of using BioScrubber II the lift station was visibly cleaner and there was no accumulation of waste materials in the lift station.
Steve Briggs, Chief Operator, City of Livingston
Prior to using BioLynceus BioScrubber II, the grease in the lift station would periodically have to be “chipped off’ and was labor intensive to remove.
Within one moth of using BioScrubber II the lift station was visibly cleaner and there was no accumulation of waste materials in the lift station.
Periodic maintenance is much easier because the grease, which is present, is easily washed off, instead of having to be manually chipped off.
Additionally, the BioScrubber II is automatically injected into the sewer line three times a day using a Mechlomatic Dolphin Series Pump.
We reached a cooperative agreement with a local grocery store to inject the BioScrubber into one of their floor drains since they are located at the end of the main sewage line.
Furthermore, BioScrubber II is not a chemical and does not damage any of our processing systems.
Given the results we have seen, I am planning on using BioScrubber II on all sewage lines.
I highly recommend any municipality having grease/hydrocarbon issues to us BioLynceus BioScrubber solutions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Steve Briggs
Chief Operator
City of Livingston